Monday, July 16, 2007

We just got our carpets cleaned today!! Yey! They were very dirty because of all the gunk tracked in through the garage. I am also training for my half-marathon, which is on August 19th. I'm one week into my training schedule. I'm hoping that the training, as a side benefit will help me get back into shape. And I so need to! I have gained 15 pounds!! All from eating cookies, chocolate, and cake (with lots of frosting). My friend mentioned something a while ago that stuck in my head... He asked me if I was running to lose weight, or running so I can increase my endurance, speed, stamina, and essentially, be a better runner. I realize that this is a big distinction. I was all obessesd like, OMG I had pizza and cookies for lunch, and now I will gain a bagillion pounds. Now I don't care (so) much. Which is nice. People have so much ridiculous, inane, crap they worry about, and I now have one less. Yippy for me!


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