Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My name is Shayda. I don't believe in updating blogs. In fact, I have ignored this one for several months. The reality of it is i now have a nice new large breasted 700+ pound boyfriend, and do NOT have the time to interact with the little people (pun intended). Who is this new boyfriend you ask? He's a dancer at Chippendale's...he plays the part of the stage. Other people dance ON him. Isn't that hot. Oh, also, I have a side fling who is desperately in love with me, but i'm just leading him on for the fun of it. He's a transvestite-werewolf-midget. So sexy. Everything I want in a man...
So friends, that's an update on me, as to why you haven't heard from or seen me in several months. My professional inanimate object impersonator boyfriend and my transforming with the full moon midget side fling have been keeping me pretty busy, let me tell you. Keep holding your breath for further updates.


Blogger Grace said...

cammy, how did u manage to hack into shayda's blog...

9:30 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

shayda...u should stop spending so much time with your bf...don't u miss us? =(

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now i know why she's always locked in her room!!!
-the roommate...

9:41 AM  

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