Friday, August 18, 2006

I just watched y tu mama tambien. Life is so short. You only live for a hundred years, if you're lucky, and then you go back to whatever oblivion you came from, and stay there for the rest of eternity. Shouldn't we enjoy life now. Everyday we make decisions based on the idea that there will be a tomorrow. What if there wasn't. What if we knew there were X amount of years, days, left and then the end. So many things that we torture ourselves with and worry about today would blur out of focus. We should do all the things we always wanted to do before we die, now. Not wait. Not play games. Just take it all off and do it.

And then i think, but what if you do something stupid, disastrous, something with serious repercussions, and here comes the tomorrow when you have to deal with it. The world hasn't come to an end yet...

I am totally rambling. I'm thinking of all those people who travel and do crazy dangerous things, and how they are considered to have lived their lives fuller than the person who's lived in the same town for their entire life. Do you think that's true? Or is all about how much you challenge yourself with respect to yourself.

I realize that this blog is totally random, but i can't be the only one who's ever thought about this...


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