Friday, August 11, 2006

What the hell is wrong with certain people. I don't get it. why are some people so annoyingly frustrating that I just want to pull All their hair out.
my god! you would not believe the shit people will pull. further details are pending...

I had my HHMI interview today and I showed up 5 minutes late. I was really late, like I should be leaving the house 10 minutes ago late. I park in patient parking and speed walk/run into he VA hospital. I'm maneuvering past all these old old men like a pro. I run past the visitor desk, and thankfully none of the police officers decides I'm dangerous, so no chase and tackle (that would have been a perfect excuse for why I was late). I make my way up to the 3rd floor of the Dr's office, and after 1 lap, I finally find it. By stroke of unbelievable luck, my watch is 5 minutes fast compared to the VA clock inside the Dr's office, and I turn out to be only 5 minutes late instead of 10. I know that's its my own fault. But its just one of those things when I'm watching time clicking by and I just can't make myself hurry. At the Dr's office, he has thee biggest door I have ever see. Its Hagrith sized. Ginormous. Inside is this indian doctor, the other student who got into the program and the german director of endocrinilogy. The only thing I can think is fuck fuck fuck. I am so fucking late. The Dr looks at me, and he's got one of those looks, like I'm an insignificant squashable ant. Student ant. look. He can squish me right before his lunchtime curry. I apologize, profusely. I know I can charm him into liking me if I can get him to take off his, your a replaceable student pawn. So I give him my best smile and shake his hand. The german guy's hand. And them I'm backhanded. OMG. The other student has the biggest oafiest happy smile on his face. He's like an asian buzz lightyear. He totally has me beat. No contest. I can not compete with his plastic grin glutaraldehyde-fixed on his face. And its not a condencending grin. Its a I'm so glad to be here teach me, feed me grin. What I really want to do is kick him right where his knee bends so he falls over. Let's see that grin then. This guy is so cheerful, and the sad thing is, as much as I want it to be artificial bs, it wasn't. It was fresh eager naive youthful enthusiasim. I think I need an anti-anti-depressive pill. It was actually impressive. So the Dr shows us around, asks us what we want to get out of the program... and some more q&a in 500 words or less verbal essays. I'm pulling answers out of ass, but their not half bad. The other guy answers were okay, but god know what the hell he was talking about with his class b finky dinky, glycogen storage, priority receptor crap talk.
Me no understand. or give a shit. So that was that. I hope that was interesting enough for all my tough critics out there. And by the way, the other students name was ohn. like ohm. like V = IR. like someone PLEASE give him some current so he can get that booby smile shocked off his face.


Blogger Grace said...

what's the interview for?

3:12 PM  
Blogger Camstah said...

what people are annoying? now it's time for details....

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:02 PM  

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