Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Update on my voice: It is still scratchy and hoarse.
Why won't it would go away? Maybe its permanent. On the other hand Sujata says that my voice sounds good like this... I'm not sure how to take that... Is my normal voice so bad that a sick, cough-drop begging, nyQuil marinated voice is better???
I am going to go ice skating today which I hope will be fun, or at least not boring. How many times can one skate around a rink. As a result, I am devising a list of things to do at the ice skating rink. So far I have 1 task: Learn how to skate backwards. I figure since I know how to snowboard backwards, skating backwards shouldn't be too hard to iron out. Being so edge savy and all... You know what I'm sayin? For all you snowboarders out there, Whazzzzup.
And to make all of you happy, here's a big boobla from san diego to Cammy, Grace, Saba, and dum dum dummmm, Pareesa. By the way, my birthday is coming up. I'm telling you ahead of time so you can plan a free day. 3 months should be enough time, right? See how considerate I'm being for all you med school, ucla, paper writing, midterm, finals, cutting people's breasts open people.
As for research, I will briefly mention... I now have to do everything I did on Matlab over again!!! Apparently the people at matlab only know how to write code that has down syndrome or maybe for people who have down syndrome. Since I am down syndrome-free, I have taken on the epic mental task of trudging through middle earth and mordor to rewrite their pdetool box code. I've talked to the matlab programmers so many times, that I have their direct line. The beauty of cell phones storing all incoming call numbers. Mwah! Thank you Samsung. They know me by name, or at least Mark the PDEtoolbox programmer does. He says, "Heeeey..." And I'm like, "Did you program the toolbox for people who have an extra 21'st chromosome? How is anyone supposed to work with such a "gifted" piece of code? How is an intelligent, creative, funny, cool, smart, witty, not to mention pretty person who wants to do something called R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H use your "special" code?" So I'm switching over to from matlab to femlab (also known as comsol) and for all you non-engineering people, is a Finite Elements Methods software, hence the FEM. Wallah.


Blogger Camstah said...

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3:22 PM  
Blogger Shady said...

call me and I'll tell you some interesting stuff....

11:52 PM  
Blogger Shady said...

Don't say your bored! I am so not competeing with cutting people open...

12:00 AM  
Blogger Shady said...

i'm deleting your comment.

2:15 PM  

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