Sunday, July 30, 2006

The people at mac (the computer not the makeup) are too smart. the way they've got itunes set up is unbelievable userfriendly in the most unfriendly roundabout way. you can't burn mp3s, only mp4s (or wav files and those don't count). you can't take music off your ipod. if you connect someone else's ipod to your itunes, their ipod gets wiped. its ridiculous! why aren't people complaining? why is there not an article in the Times about how mac has fcuked everyone over. so they have decent customer they have cute little stores in the mall... big p diddy. the only thing going for their products is that they 'look neat', have good monitors, and if anything breaks you can easily get it replaced with another terminally retarded hunk of white plastic and metal.
One more thing, there is this character on Deadwood, Swerengen. the greasy bar owner... I truly can't be the only one who thinks he's hot. Cammy, you agree? I think your the only one i know who has watched this show. I also can't quite understand what Swerengen is saying. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is... uh.... female anatomy, which breaks up the continuity of his sentences. He then proceeds to refer to the other characters in the show as the, well, the female anatomy... so your never 100% sure who exactly he's referring too... unless, of course, he says the guys name and then the... yes, well you know... the first season was understandable, and then in the second season, I was like uhhh??? subtitles please. which there wern't. being downloads and all. but its stellar show. (Yes, I'm sure my rave review has convinced you all.)
If only my dad would watch Deadwood. All his Clint Eastwood gunslinger fantasies about the wild west would be choked, kicked, pistol whipped, dragged out the bar door, dumped in a puddle of poopy mud, and then thrown into a pen of cannibalistic pigs. bon appetit.


Blogger Camstah said...

swearengin IS attractive for some off reason......

8:42 PM  

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