Monday, July 31, 2006

Before I can relax in my anti-orthopedic but oh so comfortable chair, I must complain about one thing.
What is it with guys and their gadgets?
Do they feel as if their gadgets are an extension of themselves. That this gadget that they gently fondle and place close to their hearts, nestled in their jean pockets, expresses their true inner self which no other person can see. So what does it mean when one's, say, hypothetically speaking here, cell phone, has a large screen, or is, for example, razor thin, or wide and thick, or short and sweet... Is this the new kind of overcompensation of undercompensation? What does it all mean? What about camera's... Whoever thought guys, men, the macho iron pumping male, would one day be boasting that there's is smaller! Or can store more pics? Or has more megapixels? Is this what our life has distilled down too. I remember a time when people classified themselves by the books they had read, museums that had been too, theorems that they proved. Look at us now, we have miniscule phones, credit card thin cameras, and the only truly redeeming gadget out there, massive monitors. What has our American world come too. I swear, one day I will see this commercial ... There will be a slick Italian playboy in a black shiny expensive European car. He is enticingly hugging the seductive curves of a windy desert mountain road. He guns the sleek car, mercilessly shifting gears as he turns in and out of the curves. Suddenly, he reaches an expansive plain of endless golden sand and drifts the car into a dangerous 360 spin. The doors decompress, and then begin to hinge open like lifting dark wings. Inside, we briefly glimpse a mahogany interior and a man with his hand brazenly gripping the gear shift. He is languidly seated in soft leather. Soft supple creme leather. Smoky cool fogs breathes out and within mere seconds, heats up into nothingness in the hot desert air. The man slowly steps out of the car. He is dressed in a clingy black spandex suit and wearing wrap-around designer sunglasses. From within his tight spandex jump suit there is a small lump. It begins to ring. He reaches into an invisible slit in his suit and pulls out the world's smallest phone. It it the new mini midget springular XI768X10^-4 model. Its has over 25,000 available features, including electric shock therapy. The phone is the size of almond. Shelled. He puts the phone to his ear and answers in his deep sexy accented voice. The sounds fades out and in bold appears the words, Springular. Anytime, Anyplace, Ready for you, Right now. The audience, that would be you and I, sit back in our comfy lazy boy chairs and feel a little disturbed, a little violated. Yet, as the commercial plays again later on in the night, we think, I need that phone. Now.
I bought this Naked Juice Energy drink. (Its the kind you don't take home to mother.)
It has:
190 mg of green tea extract.
380 mg of guarana.
and a bunch of other additives that are "naturally" additivitily added.
(I have refrained from typing the specific names of the additiviosities for fear of being sucked into their "naturally" precocious
"natural" nakedness.)
The green tea and guadalahara are the two "natural" sources of caffeine.
As for the sugars in the drink, they are found "naturally" in the fruit.
(I am not sure if that is a statement of fact, such as, there is sugar in fruit. Or, the sugar in the drink can also be found in fruit.)
For fruit, this drink "naturally" has:
16 strawberries
1/2 kiwi
2 apples
& hint of banana.
(gosh, darn it, aren't they so helpful and precise.)
As I sit behind my behemoth of a Mac computer monitor,
I find myself feeling oddly peaceful knowing that I have consumed:
1/2 bushel of "naturally" slutty fruit

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The people at mac (the computer not the makeup) are too smart. the way they've got itunes set up is unbelievable userfriendly in the most unfriendly roundabout way. you can't burn mp3s, only mp4s (or wav files and those don't count). you can't take music off your ipod. if you connect someone else's ipod to your itunes, their ipod gets wiped. its ridiculous! why aren't people complaining? why is there not an article in the Times about how mac has fcuked everyone over. so they have decent customer they have cute little stores in the mall... big p diddy. the only thing going for their products is that they 'look neat', have good monitors, and if anything breaks you can easily get it replaced with another terminally retarded hunk of white plastic and metal.
One more thing, there is this character on Deadwood, Swerengen. the greasy bar owner... I truly can't be the only one who thinks he's hot. Cammy, you agree? I think your the only one i know who has watched this show. I also can't quite understand what Swerengen is saying. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is... uh.... female anatomy, which breaks up the continuity of his sentences. He then proceeds to refer to the other characters in the show as the, well, the female anatomy... so your never 100% sure who exactly he's referring too... unless, of course, he says the guys name and then the... yes, well you know... the first season was understandable, and then in the second season, I was like uhhh??? subtitles please. which there wern't. being downloads and all. but its stellar show. (Yes, I'm sure my rave review has convinced you all.)
If only my dad would watch Deadwood. All his Clint Eastwood gunslinger fantasies about the wild west would be choked, kicked, pistol whipped, dragged out the bar door, dumped in a puddle of poopy mud, and then thrown into a pen of cannibalistic pigs. bon appetit.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I am so sick. I can only point the finger of flaming blame at the one person responsible. They know who they are. Shame on you! Its so hot here. I am sick and hot. No one should be sick and hot. You can be sick and due to your sickness, be hot. But not sick in hot weather. Its just too much.
I had an interview today, and I did well. I passed the first round. Ding. There is one more round of interviews and then two people are going to be picked. The interviewer guy, the head of one of the med school departments, looked like a boxer. He had those hooded Mohammed Ali eyes, even though he was white. Of course, the conversation starts with, "Where are you from?" And, "Were you born there?" I respond, "Yes, I am a terrorist. No, I am homegrown here in the US." Is my blog now going to be flagged by the CIA. That would be interesting. I wonder if they will write me comments?
So the guy starts to ask me about the politics in the middle east. WHY? Just because I am middle eastern, am I supposed to know everything that is going on there? Maybe I should have told him I was Mexican. That way I would be a shoe in for the program too. (Oops, did I say that out load. My IP address is dynamic so they will never catch me, Muha ha ha ha. yes, that's my Dr. Evil laugh.)
Throughout the entire interview, I could feel my brain expanding. What if my head exploded? Boom! Brains everywhere. Or what if it was self contained within my skull, like a thermodynamic problem, brains oozing out of my ears and nose, but the heat contained within the system.
I parked illegally in a special permit spot for the interview and I didn't get a ticket (why does that feel soO0 good?) The gods must feel sorry for me. Has anyone read American Gods? Anyone? Its this book about the new gods (like the god of cell phones and wireless internet) vs. The gods of ancient times. Neil Gaimen, baby! The Sandman? Come on, people!
It smells like one of my roommates is cooking or our air conditioner is on fire.
I must go check.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I was watching Jill Scott on Block Party, this Dave Chappelle (or however you spell his name) movie, and her music is so sexy... Its like this big black woman singing the most intense, explicit, sexual lyrics ever. And its not raunchy either, its sounds powerful (yes, I said powerful, no, I don't have my fist raised, and for you dirty minded people, I am sooo not going there) ... I want to download her first album, which I used to do my groove (I can't believe I just typed groove) in Powell bookstacks doing problems for my communications prof who apparently sleeps with his students!!! (he graduated from MIT and is married with a kid or possibly kids now... does that make it better or worse? those skanky mit people!!! ) I'm actually considering buying her cd (OMG, no!) But I'll wait a while... AND WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO POST THE NEW JEWEL... I've been waiting and waiting, and how much more am I supposed to wait????
There is so much I can say about today, but I'm not. Well, maybe I will , but it will be in code. Encrypted an' sh*t. Yo, me bein' all gangsta an' shiite (which sounds like the muslim sect, no?) Can you imaging me with a gangtsa accent? What if instead of saying 'like', I said something else, like 'fo sho'. Okay, that's what I'm going to do. I'm making a cross my heart, poke me finger, wham bam pancake slam, shiver me (and your) timbers, yo ho ho, and one more ho dying vow that tomorrow I am going to squeeze in a 'fo sho' and see if anyone notices (ie, if anyone, ANYONE, has read me blog....)

Monday, July 24, 2006

I LOVE FROSTING. The sweet buttercreme frosting that you find on wedding cake makes my mouth water. I'm not talking about the frosting made from whipping creamy or egg white, but the thick creamy texture that coats your tongue and smoothes out into a sweet heavenly butter glaze. The rich sweet taste with tiny granules of fine sugar is absolutely perfect. I could lick frosting off a spoon night and day. Those frosting flowers on cakes that everyone throws away, those delicious frosting decorations on top of the birthday cakes just make my taste buds reach thee O. So that's why I titled this blog just frosting.