Friday, July 27, 2007

something very interesting happened today, and i know better than to name names... still, i can't help but recall this unprecedented event. it makes me laugh but only because some people can be unintentionally amusing and i guess that that is their undeniable charm...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Okay, so for a limited time only....

How do you deal with someone who is being completely irrational? Who decides that they are not going to talk to you anymore, and just starts ignoring you? WTF? Some people can act so fcuking passive aggressive, immature, and just plain stupid^(childish * 100000). What else can I say.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am planning a eurotrip!!! I am extremely excited! So to all you people who have traveled to Europe, have been to every country and have took hundred of pictures, which cities cannot be missed? I'm planning to go to England, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, and I also want to squeeze in Amsterdam as a day trip. Which cities did you like best? I'm planning on going during the beginning of November, so it will be cold, but who cares!!! Its Europe!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

We just got our carpets cleaned today!! Yey! They were very dirty because of all the gunk tracked in through the garage. I am also training for my half-marathon, which is on August 19th. I'm one week into my training schedule. I'm hoping that the training, as a side benefit will help me get back into shape. And I so need to! I have gained 15 pounds!! All from eating cookies, chocolate, and cake (with lots of frosting). My friend mentioned something a while ago that stuck in my head... He asked me if I was running to lose weight, or running so I can increase my endurance, speed, stamina, and essentially, be a better runner. I realize that this is a big distinction. I was all obessesd like, OMG I had pizza and cookies for lunch, and now I will gain a bagillion pounds. Now I don't care (so) much. Which is nice. People have so much ridiculous, inane, crap they worry about, and I now have one less. Yippy for me!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I decided to do a post. Its been a long while since I've written anything new...
So, lets see. I have a new roommate. Diana finally moved out. And even after moving out, she's still causing problems (about cleaning the carpet, furniture, and paying June bills, etc). We have a new roommate. Her name is Julia, and she's a very anal chinesey girl. Extremely uptight, like she has a baseball bat stuck up her ass. She really pissed me off when she moved in, but unexpectedly she called me later in the evening to apologize for being a bitch. I graciously accepted. I hope she will be a fine from now on because I don't anticipate anymore complications. She's also young, or I should say, younger (than me and Vanessa - my other roommate). I'm guessing 22? She just graduated from UCLA with a BS in Aero-engineering, and she found a job here at a plane company. Enough about the roommates. Let's talk about me! Yesterday, I decided to be very Amermican since it was Fourth of July. So I had a hamburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake from red robbin. The milkshake was huge. And cost only $4. So cheap. So Good. Real vanilla ice cream with fudge blended just enough so that there are still chunks of ice cream and fudge. So thick and creamy. (please don't go there, ladies) I felt so american and patriotic after the lunch. If I had anymore sugar, I might even consider supporting the war. And how much more American can you get than that?!! The rest of day, I chilled around the beach till the fireworks started. Now I'm at lab, waiting for Sujata to come so we can have lunch. But it seems that she's been consumed into the bowels of the microscope room. I think the people in her lab don't like me, but that's another story. I sit here, in my cozy (claustraphobic office), going through files and files of sensor data, eating these amazing oatmeal walnut date cookies, that were made by me!!! They are very delicious! Thank you to myself.