Monday, December 17, 2007

Charles David is having a 70% off sale! Whoo-hooo... except I have no money. Booo- whooo... BUT, that did/could/would never not stop me.... I bought three new pairs of shoes yesterday and totally had (and currently having) buyer's guilt, remorse, regret, whatever its called... One the shoes is cute, but I'm not, like, 'In Love' with the shoes .... Don't get me wrong, they are still FABulous, and ridculously dah-ling.... anyway, I have X-mas presents for certain peeps, and I hope you like them. The gifts took over an hour each to make, with the result of some fine looking perty cool gifts, as well as some hefty finger-nail flippage (the meat underneath my nails are three-obing)... and lots of driving... my prof just came by... gotta get back to grinding the mill...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Boycott Facebook!!!

I have been banned from facebook. Can you believe that!? And its not because I was doing anything inappropriate, but because I refused to give my birth date. Let me enlighten all you facebooker's... facebook illegally tracks your Internet history when you are NOT logged onto facebook. (They are allowed to track your Internet site history while you are logged on, so be careful about that too.) This information, topped off with your personal info (such as your birth date), can potentially be sold for lots of dough to the highest company to help manipulate and further brainwash us into buying their unnecessary, overpriced, and possibly hazardous (if made in China) products. (and let's not even touch the issue of stolen identities - all they need is your full name, birth date, and the last 4#'s of your SSN.) So log off of facebook right now!! And stay logged off. (those bastards!) All you stalkers, try Orkut.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Recently, there has been SO MUCH drama. And all of it ridiculous. I mean, why are there so many people in the world that can not react appropiately. So, let me clarify.... I recently found out that