Tuesday, September 05, 2006

If this wasn't so funny, I would be pissed.

so I've been buying a bunch of stuff off of ebay, and i kinda lost track of what packages were supposed to arrive when...
Last week, I realized that a purse I had bought hadn't arrived yet, and the seller lady had said that she shipped it USPS priority mail. so i email her and this is our correspondance (the first couple of e-mail are signs for her unstableness...)


I have not received the purse yet. Do you have a tracking number for the item?


Hmmm...I find it very strange that you have not recieved this item as I sent it through Priority Mail Service. I also purchased an item from the California area through Ebay during that same time and I have since received it.
I mailed your items directly from the post office. I mailed your package along with 3 other packages for Ebay sales that day. Plus I mailed 2 other personal items and various letters.

I recieved a separate reciept for the 4 Ebay items...as I requested and I'm looking at that reciept right now. The date and time stamp on the reciept reads 08-24-06, 12:25:49 EST. I sent one item to a person in Georgia---she has recieved the item. Another to Texas---recieved and yet another to Guam (she informed me that packages always take a long time to reach her initially and I'm not sure if she has recieved hers yet or not). I don't know why you haven't recieved your item in California by now. All I can say is that it may come today or tomorrow. Once I leave it at the post office it's out of my hands. If you have not recieved the item after 14 days please let me know and perhaps we can work something out. I have no reason to believe that you will not recieve the item. Also, I did not get tracking numbers just a reciept.

Mrs. S. Elisca

------------------ (wordy, but not so crazy yet... 3 days go by, no purse)


Its been two weeks now, and if the item was sent by priority mail then I should have recieved it by now.
If you could refund me the money that would be great. If I do end up getting the purse, I will send you an e-mail and
send you the payment by paypal.

Thank you,


Excuse me?  I don't mind giving you back the little 33.50 because I am not in need of such a tiny amount. However, I do think you are reacting prematurely. I sent your purse out and I did not get a tracking number. I sent it in a priority mail box from the post office  and paid priority mail fees to mail it and the girl there printed the postage..stuck it on the box and put it in the bin to be sent like all of the others and I have the receipt for the items and no tracking number. I didn't even ask for a tracking number. That's my mistake because you could be lying. I have no reason to lie to you.
I'm not in need of the bag or the money. I was just selling a few items that I never used for fun on Ebay.
How do I know that you did not get the purse and are just saying that you did not  recieve it?  I don't know you at all and why would everyone else recieve their item and you not recieve yours? That seems a little strange to me.
You are right you should have recieved the item days ago and that's why I am having a problem believing that you have not recieved it. I've mailed many items over my lifetime and have never had a problem with an item being lost. If you recieved the package you would know that I did not have a confirmation on it or a tracking number so you could easily say that you never recieved it.

Ayway, I've sent my beautiful, new, never used Elliot Lucca bag to you and now it's suddenly missing? It was safe in my closet for over a year. That's amazing. I don't believe it.
I will check with the postal service tomorrow and if I can't get any answer I will gladly refund your money and if you are a liar then you will have a purse and the money and have to deal with your God.

----------------- (next day)

Also Shayda,

I do hope you are not lying but I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I am not at all a mean person. I just find it strange that you have not recieved the purse and that you are the only one who has not recieved your item.

On tomorrow I will refund your money in full because I do not wish to deal with this matter after that time. I was just selling a few items for fun and did not expect to have any problems. If the purse comes after that just keep it. Again, I don't need the bag or the money.

Mrs. S. Elisca

---------------------- (she refunds me the money)


Thanks for the refund. If you call the post office and report the package as lost, if they find it they will ship it to you.

Thanks again!

-------------------- (crazy lady keeps on sending me e-mail out of the blue)

I have REFUNDED your money through PAYPAL! I told you in those emails that I believe you are LYING about recieving the bag because everyone else I mailed packages to that day have recieved their items and you are the only one who has not. That's strange and unbelievable.
So I told you that you could have your money and the bag if you are too cheap to pay for a bag. I was selling for fun on Ebay and don't need your money or the bag. Please do not contact me again. If you do I will report you to Ebay. I've been very nice so far and I even told Ebay about this situation and they told me that they would investigate you if I wanted and I said there was no need to.  I told them I would voluntarily give you back your money and you could keep the bag too.  They did not tell me to refund your money at all.  They thought I was nice for trying to resolve the matter so quickly.
You should have recieved notice from Paypal that the refund is in process!!!  Are you going to next say that you did not recieve a refund?? Well, sorry, but the proof is there within my Paypal account and I will contact Paypal about you if you bother me again!
Now, I have a life. Leave me alone. Good Day!
Mrs. S. Elisca

------------------------ (same day, couple hours later)

And God, if you do recieve the bag (as you CLAIM you have not recieved but I believe you have) after today PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Keep that bag and DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN or send me ANY PAYMENT. KEEP THE BAG and your 33.50 PLEASE DO THAT FOR ME! I don't want to be bothered with YOU again okay? Is that clear?  I've never once had a package lost in the mail and you are lying. I have a gutt feeling that you are lying.
Also, I am saving all of the emails sent and recieved to give to Ebay and Paypal if you contact me again. I'm starting to think you are a little nuts or at the least you can not read. How can you send me an email asking for a refund when I've already activated a refund for you??? and I sent you about 4-6 emails telling you that you can have your money and the bag!
S. Elisca


and that's that. Some people are just nuts.